Just checking in to say my skills with CSS and also learning about aesthetics has seriously improved since I left Reddit and started really working on neocities. Here are my favorite game-changing discoveries.
First, using CTRL+X. I think I had some traumatic moment in 6th grade where the computer didn't cut and I lost a chunk of text, and I was like "never again" and just always copied and pasted. But now cutting is quickly building back up that trust with my increased use of it.
It started with having to use it in Excel - there's no alternative keyboard shortcut for moving a bunch of data cells around.
Then again in Tinkercad to select a side of your object to 'drop' flat onto the workplane. You use the workplane tool to select the side you want to drop by making it the new workplane, er, plane. Then select the object, cut it so it disappears. Make the workplane go back to normal. Paste, and voila.
Since all of this there's been so many uses that I have to pause when I actually need to copy (turns out I cut more than copy on average). Riveting
Inserting HTML into HTML for menus, sidebars, etc. so I only have to edit one file to change things for *all* the webpages that feature those menus, sidebars, etc. PS yes I know; this is a list of very basic things to know for experienced website builders
omfg MAX-WIDTH. I thought I'd gotten responsiveness down with percentage-izing all my divs and sections yada yada but MAX-WIDTH y'all. I read it here. Thank you, Alex Dimitrov for putting it in super plain terms and explanations for meee.
Learning how not to be afraid of giant font sizes and embrace space. Also settling in and utilizing font-size hierarchies. And color! Soon I'll be using a different color scheme because the maroon is just not doing it for me. Very ugly. For posterity, here's a screenshot:
I kinda want a more pastel cyber punk look. The pink background with white grid might've been a good start but then I just dipped.
In other news, aliens exist and we've been reverse engineering their technology. I was so obsessed with government conspiracies and aliens in the late 90s with X-Files. I remember creating my own website with a very early-days wysiwyg editor - black background, bright green text, tables with links that said "ghosts", "UFOs", "Vampires", etc. and I'd talk about everything I'd read online and in nonfiction (youth and adult) in my public and school libraries.
Ahhh those were the days. Anyway now I want to re-do it to make my 14 yo self proud. Stay tuned there might be another sidebar link in the works, hahah.