Our Fannish Pseuds
Our Fannish Pseuds Keeping them secret, keeping them safe.
All participants are muted upon entry. Please stay muted unless called upon.If you have a question or comment, use "raise hands" and the moderator will call on you.If you do not wish to speak, type your questions/comments into the Discord channel and the tech mod/host will read them out. Privacy/Accessibility Policy: http://confabcon.com/faq/ Our Fannish Pseuds: Keeping Them Secret, Keeping Them Safe4:00 - 4:45 p.m.#our-fannish-pseudsPresenter: Néné LindenDuring this panel, we will discuss and highlight some cool ways to organize and keep separate our multiple fannish identities online and our IRL personal information.
Table of contents
Table of contents 01 Why is it important to keep your anonymity in fandom? Importance 02 Why they matter and some tips Your Pseud & Email 04 Bios, planning pseud portfolios, what fascinating things authors have done Info to Disclose 03 Passwords & security tools of note Security Then we discusssss stuff!
Why is anonymity so important?
While we want to love and trust strangers on the Internet enough to share some PII because they're fans of the same stuff, don't until it’s been a VERY SLOW BURN 02 It lets you be you Why is anonymity so important? “I’m arting nothing but vanilla fluff I have nothing to hide.”This presentation:: /spray bottle/ NO! Do not normalize or justify surveillance 01 You don’t need a reason to be anon A piece of art may awaken something within you and you’ll be grateful you kept your anonymity so you can develop and explore yourself without pressure to fit a reputation 03 You might need it in the future The number of people I know who started out being out in fandom before feeling comfortable to be out IRL *chef’s kiss* 04 Despite how much you want to share…
That said, fan conventions
That said, fan conventions In the case of an emergency. May require you to give your real name “Omg monsterfucker sixty-nine are you okay? You want me to call 9-1-1?”
We Looooove the Lurkers
We Looooove the Lurkers Lurk everywhere; get a feel for a community first